Friday, January 16, 2009

The Bedtime Story

"Once upon a time..." the little voice starts
holding her bear close to her heart
The words blur together, toddler style,
the pretend little story makes me smile.
I know all the lines, from beginning to end
Each night she begs me, "Mommy, again!"
The story shifts, the characters change
Like a thought almost lost, or a song out of range
There's a bear, a porcupine, spider or dog
Maybe princesses, dragons, or a shape in the fog
High towers, meadows, mountains, or home
No place is too far for a story to roam.
Back to the bear, clutched close to her chest
he loved her story, the very best, yet.
Both have a drink, two songs and a kiss
It's easy to see how these moments I'll miss.
"And that's the end of the story."

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